Archive for the ‘Child Friendly Leeds’ Category
The #ChildFriendlyLeedsAwards were.. out of this world! We had an amazing time, Thank you for the people that nominated us .
They are lovely and we are so overwhelmed.
The spectacular awards evening at the City Varieties in the 7th year and its a huge event to celebrate the people maing a difference to the city of Leeds and who are promoting the ethos of a true Child Friendly City. We are proud to support #ChildFriendlyLeeds we feel humbled that our efforts in the community have been recognised and rewarded with our “Shortlisted” nomination in the category of “Adults Making a Difference for Children and Young People”
Although we did not win, getting the nominations makes the effort all worthwhile, We thank everyone for the nominations, the friends that have helped us along the way, the time and effort and support that had help make our work & little projects a success. #cashforkidsaire #ChildFriendlyLeeds #eastardsleyfairydoors #eastardsleyrocks #meadowsidelittlelibrary #buttercuplanechildminders
Thank you Karl and Lia xx
It is an honour and humbling to be nominated for the 2020 Child Friendly Leeds Awards 2020.
Its even more so special thinking that we have actually made the SHORTLIST.
The awards ceremony, which is now in its 7th year is taking place on February 6th, its an event that celebrates the hard work that many people are doing across the city of Leeds to make our City the best place for children and young people to grow up in.
The category that we have made the shortlist in is Adult making a difference for young people (21+), its a real sense of proudness and accolode to be nominated but to be grouped together with everyone nominated let alone making the short list is a very special feeling indeed.
You can see the Yorkshire Evening Post article here .
We are truely thankful to everyone that nominted us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We simply love the job we do, we are part of the community and our children our “The Future” everything we do within the community is for the benefit of the children and if some adults can have some fun along the way, we say Why Not !
We will keep you posted.
Thank you, much love Karl and Lia xx
Well ………. Schools Out for Summer
We made it and the Summer holiday period is here, we have an action packed Summer planned so please if you want or need any childcare or extra days please just call. 9th July was Kirkstall Festival and we had a blast running a stall to raise funds for our wonderful Radio Aires – Cash for Kids Charity. ( Do you know that we have recently been made Ambassadors – check us out ) We had prizes, books, bottles, doughnuts and cakes & buscuits on our stall but the star prize that one lucky winner could walk away with was a Helicopter Flight. We raised some much needed money for Cash for Kids but as the Star Prize Ticket was not pulled out so we ran a blind auction, lots of bids came in and one person from Tingley was the lucky winner with a winning bid of £50. We cant publish the name yet as they are on holiday and its a present for a family member.
Check out the Breeze Festivals in the Summer Holidays where our fellow Ambassadors from Leeds City Councils – Child friendly Leeds will be present at all events. Please note that the East Ardsley Breeze has been MOVED to Blackgates this year – so hopefully it will be larger and attract more people.
We have planned our fun and exciting trips out this year and based the locations on the interests of our Buttercup family, they will not be dissappointed. Flights, Chocolate, Films, Sand, Sea & Mountains, Farmers, Tunnels, Animals and Wildlife & lots and lots of water – are all included so lets see where our Fun Bus takes us away, but dont forget that our great British weather is really unpredictable so its Wellies and Sun Tan Cream all the way.
Its very exciting here at the moment with New Starters as well as children moving up through the years at school, some moving to reception and nursery, but as always to go with the great there is always some bad news….. One of our Buttercups is leaving due to moving homes. Its a very sad time when we have to say “goodbye” but we know that there will always be places in our home & our hearts for all our Buttercups no matter how old you are …… and everyone is welcome to come and visit anytime.
Its mega busy with Holidays – Birthday Parties & Proms, young and old are in their best gear and looking beautiful to party the afternoons, evening and sometimes if we are lucky the night times too. Our very own Lia celebrated her big 40 in June …. Think she is taking the celebrations to the extreme as we have at least things to do in the next 6 months to keep an eye out for her updates.
Stay Safe this summer and think ahead – its only 6 or so weeks until school starts …………. oh yes and its only 21 weeks until CHRISTMAS !
Love to all xx
I challenge anyone to listen to this and not be upset with how passionate Lisa the Charity Manager is.
Please donate to any of the Approved Drop Off Points ( THATS US ) or
text AIRE to 70808 to Donate £5
Thank you xx
Tomorrow is SUPER HERO DAY !!
There is something very special happenning tomorrow here at luchtime and we can’t wait for the excitement – We are literally bursting with joy !!
Buttercup Lane Childminders In East Ardsley are going the extra mile to help Cash for Kids – Radio Aire !
Update to follow !!!!
We are doing it again ! – Yes Karl will be wearing one of his many Super Hero outfits. Don’t forget if you see him out and about in East Ardsley, Tingley or Morley – give him a massive Super Hero Wave – To Infinity and Beyond ! Please support the cause and donate as much as you can – Every single penny you donate stays in OUR community area.
Calling all Superheroes!
Radio Aire Cash for Kids needs your help on Friday 2nd May We’re raising funds to support disabled and disadvantaged children living in OUR local community, but to really make a difference we need your support. If your business, workplace or school would like to take part and dress as a superhero for the day – or just be a superhero by fundraising! – please register your support below for Cash for Kids Superhero Day.
What a result – One of our older Buttercup Babes was in the Yorkshire Evening Post on Monday 31st March. She was part of Sharp Lane Primary School that are demanding Pop Stars like Miley, Lady Gaga and the rest of the raunchy stars to clean up their act.
The youngsters want the stars to ditch the current trend to create provocative videos and become inspirational role models.
The school have handed out leaflets to parents to encourage them to be careful about what the children watch on television.
They have even written a song called “That’s what makes a Role Model” to the tune of One Direction’s “What makes you beautiful”.
The children themselves agreed that the videos that these stars create make them feel uncomfortable and they are wanting things to change. “Just because you are showing your body doesn’t mean you are popular and successful. If your talented then that should be enough and this is what they should be aspiring to”
Another class at Sharp Lane Primary in Middleton are raising money for Macmillan. The schools two campaigns are part of the nationwide Go-Givers project.
Well Done to all the School at Sharp Lane and our older Buttercup Babe for making a stand and to try and change how the media promote pop artists.
The school children are passionate about the projects and helped them feel empowered to make a difference when they get together whilst they are making very good use of the educational material that they are studying.
What a fantastic approach for the school to have – listening to the pupils and making lessons interesting something that will keep all the children interested in learning.
Leeds a child friendly city – a place where children are valued, supported, enjoy growing up, and look forward to a bright future – for children, young people and families in Leeds – just tweet @child_Leeds or use #child_Leeds.
This morning Karl visited Westerton Primary school with Jemma Stevens and delivered a Child Friendly Leeds presentation in Key Stage 2 assembly.
Although we were nervous, we delivered a confident, positive, educational, informative speech that was very thought provoking. All the children and staff were both
appreciative and impressed.
We must also mention that Sophie and Mollie delivered their sections clearly and precise and they were just terrific.
Due to our research and material that we were delivering we were sure to have a very captive audience and it must be said that the children paid attention throughout the presentation, they listened and interacted with a great willingness, it showed that they had an interest as the subject matter meant something to them all.

Child Friendly Leeds Presentation to Westerton Primary School by Buttercup Lane Childminders very own Karl Stead & Jemma Stevens, Sophie & Molly
Our presentation was met with such positivity that Westerton Primary have added the presentation to their website, follow this link to see it. If you want to get involved in Child Friendly Leeds use the detail on the final page of the presentation or see the LINKS on the right or get intouch with us here at Buttercup Lane and we will gladly point you in the right direction.
Buttercup Lane Childminders would like to thank the entire school at Westerton, Mrs Makin and her team work wonders and all the pupils are a credit to themselves, their parents and the community.