Archive for the ‘Communication and Language’ Category
Well what a totally strange year 2020 is turning out to be.
We have finally managed to get our entire September School intake attending school. The School starts dates were carefully spread over September and into October to help with minimising the spread of the Covid Pandemic.
We have introduced some safeguarding measures in place here to help minimise the risk of infection of Covid and other infectious diseases.
2020 has been an ever changing world and we have what seems like new legislations to follow week in week out as the world develops trying to control the spread.
At the forefront of our care is all our children’s health, as the county restrictions are getting tighter, childcare settings with schools at this moment in time are able to remain open as usual. We have lots of communication methods and strategies in place for regular health updates for everyone that attends.
As we approach Winter we all have to remain focused on the end goal and hopefully over the next few months we are able to have some control over the pandemic and start to get back to some normality, whatever the new normality actually means will be the results of all our actions now and in the next few months.
Our regular seasonal activities have not really been affected and we are trying our hardest to maintain normality on our educational and physical activities, however our playgroup sessions remain off limits at present time although we fulfil the outcomes of the playgroups sessions in our setting and other outdoors areas.
Fall Land Bridge is NOW CLOSED until Christmas – Please will all parents use the alternative route to get to us, if you get stuck please give us a call on the numbers that you have. Please note that we will probably we walking TO SCHOOL each day, please be prepared. Thanks all xxx
!! Urgent News – Bridge Closure !!
Just in time for return to school.
As some of you may be aware but this is for our wonderful customers that don’t live in the village and travel to us here at Buttercup Lane Childminders : the Bridge just before our estate is closing for essential improvement works. It will only be accessible to pedestrians and cyclists, so if you travel by car/bus/van you will have to either come down Common Lane ( the road near Country Baskets ) or via Thorpe Lane and across the motorway. There are also some restrictions on these routes whilst the maintenance is been carried out.
The work is due to start 8th August and scheduled to be completed 22nd December 2016, just in time for Christmas – fingers crossed that the work will run as schedule.
The work itself has to be accessed via the waste land just off Meadowside Road ( the main road into the estate ) so there will also be major disruption here too.
Obviously we have no control over any of this and we are expecting the worst. We have been informed that some of the work has to be carried out when the trains are not running or in other words throughout the night. We just know that this means very loud machinery throughout the night, we experience this about once a year for about a week or two during the summer and it really takes its toll because if you can sleep is very restless so we are not looking forward to sleepless nights for months on end.
School Collections – We will continue to work as we are doing presently but please be mindful that there will be more travel time between the two schools we serve and our home especially as the whole of the estate will be forced down Moor Knoll Lane and around the back roads. It may prove to continue to walk from East Ardsley Primary School even when the weather is less favourable.
Your Journeys – Please add more time for yourselves getting to and from us – its sure to be chaos.
If you need directions just ask. xx
Two new fantastic customers reviews for us here – Thank you so much for your kind words. We already know that we have the most rewarding job in the world and reading your kind letters and words just make us feel ultra special. Karl and Lia xx Dobson 2013 Testimonial Letter Lindsey Testimonial Letter
September update & Summer Holidays
Wow – That was the month that was – as they say .
We have had an amazing 6 weeks and we have been and seen lots of new and exciting things as well as some old favourites. All pictures are loaded onto your private viewing areas for you to check over. During the 6 weeks we have been to ( in no particular order ) Formby Beach, Liverpool, Scarborough, Mr Copleys Farm, Temple Newsam, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Whitley Bay, Stockeld Park Summer Adventure Land, Roundhay Park, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Brimham Rocks, Knaresborough, Huddersfield, Switherns Farm, Pugneys, Wetherby, Manchester, Yorkshire Railway Museum, The Angel of the North, Newcastle & Middlesborough, Pontefract Park, Rothwell Park, Castleford, MIddlestown, Halifax as well as taking in 3 Leeds Breeze festivals These are just some of the places we have been to you should see the list of activites that we have done these include Walking, Climbing, Swimming, Diving, Dancing, Crabbing, Fishing, Juggling, Biking, Digging, Painting to name but a few. All in all we have had a terrific time over the last month or so.
Buttercup Babies – New Starters
Well we have been very busy and we have some new starters here at Buttercup Lane Childminders, welcome Morgan and Summer alongside Jake, Alex, Logan. We have also seen some big leaps forward with some of our older children, Some are starting nursery – some are starting junior school and some have taken the giant leap and started High School …. Where does the time go. We wish all the very best of luck to all our Buttercup Babies no matter how big or small.
This week we have been on two training courses. These were very interesting and we have learnt a great deal to support our child care.
The Characteristics of Effective Learning
Autism & Aspergers Awareness
Baby Isla is starting today and we can’t wait – we have been planning another fun packed day. We are so excited and we know Isla is looking forward to coming to see us again so we are sure to have a great time.
Another ray of sunshine at Buttercup Lane Childminders .
Little Archie was 2 Years old this week and how time has flown.
Sorry the birthday message is a little late – but here is special poem just for Archie . ( found this on the internet so I cant take the credit )
Off comes the lid of the special tin
The special tin with biscuits in
Biscuit time with a hot cup of tea
Just the one will do me.
There’s my favourite the Custard Cream
I bet it tastes just like a dream
My tummy feels in the hunger zone
That Ginger Nut looks so alone.
Look at that – Archies has nabbed the Shortbread
I’m so disappointed I’m seeing red
Talking of red there’s a Jammy Dodger face
It looks so inviting I’ll give it a taste.
Dunkable biscuits are being passed around
It’s like a lucky dip at the lost and found
You’ve got to know how long to dunk
Just a second too long and your biscuits sunk.
Archie has eaten at least four
He’s just picked up a Hob Nob that fell on the floor
I think I saw him but I’m not too sure
Anyway if it’s o.k. for him, I’ll try one more.
Look at the pretty pattern on the plate
I’ll just grab a Garibaldi before it’s too late
The Malted Milk looks very nice
Just for today my diet I’ll sacrifice.
That Jaffa cake needs clearing up
My left hand feels empty and I’m on my second cup
I’m glad Luca ate the last Fig Roll
He’s off to the loo at a very fast stroll.
I’ve watched ‘Scott and Bailey’ it must be fate
I’m now trying to guess who’s nearly emptied the plate
Funny how the crumbs always leave a trail
The mess on the Kids’ chins are the telling tale.
Biscuits I must confess are the food that we love
A gift for my taste buds from Heaven above
Well I might as well finish with the last Butter Crunch
They’re ever so thin and won’t spoil my lunch.
We had a suprise for the last hour or so today for the children .. Buttercup Lane’s very own Mr Tumble ‘East Ardsley Style’ of course.
Not quite sure who had the most fun the children, the parents or Mr Tumble himself but it rounded off the day nicely.
The fun has not stopped there and since loading the photograph onto the Pacey Website we have been inundated with appearance requests.
<a href=”″ rel=”attachment wp-att-867″><img src=”×300.jpg” alt=”Childminding fun at Childminders in East Ardsley Buttercup Lane and Mr Tumble” title=”Mr Tumble at Buttercup Lane Childminders in East Ardsley where the fun never stops” width=”225″ height=”300″ /></a> Entertaining the children as Mr Tumble at Buttercup Lane Childminders
24th to the 30th June is Child Safety week, Here at Buttercup Lane we have the ideas booklet and we will be making this week a complete fun filled weeek we have lots of activities planned already and we will be having a totally amazing time.
We will be having a SUPER HERO DAY were we all need to be dressed as your favourite action heros – so getting planning now.
For more details check out <a href=””>Child Safety Week</a>
Child Safety week at Buttercup Lane Childminders in East Ardsley