Archive for the ‘Personal Social & Emotional Development’ Category
Well what a totally strange year 2020 is turning out to be.
We have finally managed to get our entire September School intake attending school. The School starts dates were carefully spread over September and into October to help with minimising the spread of the Covid Pandemic.
We have introduced some safeguarding measures in place here to help minimise the risk of infection of Covid and other infectious diseases.
2020 has been an ever changing world and we have what seems like new legislations to follow week in week out as the world develops trying to control the spread.
At the forefront of our care is all our children’s health, as the county restrictions are getting tighter, childcare settings with schools at this moment in time are able to remain open as usual. We have lots of communication methods and strategies in place for regular health updates for everyone that attends.
As we approach Winter we all have to remain focused on the end goal and hopefully over the next few months we are able to have some control over the pandemic and start to get back to some normality, whatever the new normality actually means will be the results of all our actions now and in the next few months.
Our regular seasonal activities have not really been affected and we are trying our hardest to maintain normality on our educational and physical activities, however our playgroup sessions remain off limits at present time although we fulfil the outcomes of the playgroups sessions in our setting and other outdoors areas.
24th to the 30th June is Child Safety week, Here at Buttercup Lane we have the ideas booklet and we will be making this week a complete fun filled weeek we have lots of activities planned already and we will be having a totally amazing time.
We will be having a SUPER HERO DAY were we all need to be dressed as your favourite action heros – so getting planning now.
For more details check out <a href=””>Child Safety Week</a>
Child Safety week at Buttercup Lane Childminders in East Ardsley
Don’t forget that your clocks go forward tonight for British summer time- today we have had rain sleet snow and sunshine but we are now in BST it’s totally crazy but it true . . . Clocks go forward On my way!
We had a fantastic day out at Hemsworth Water Park yesterday, we had sunshine, wind, and snow but we had so much fun.
We will return here in the summer months and have a picnic.
A & T enjoyed it so much they were so tired when we got back to BCLCM.
Ducks and swans with the child minders from East Ardsley much fun with childminders at Hemsworth Water Park
Karl and the Easter Bunnies at childminders in East Ardsley “Child care in East Ardsley with Karl the Childminder”
This Mornings Easter Egg Hunt with a few of the children – Another one this afternoon – East Fun at Child Minders in East Ardsley – Buttercup Lane ChildMinders
We have a full house today and we are doing loads of Easter related activities, all Creative Development and expressive arts and design.
As you all have been good boys and girls since Christmas – We are all going on a Easter Egg hunt later this afternoon as the Easter Bunny has all ready been to Buttercup Lane Childminders – he has spoken to Mr Tumbles assistant and told him that there are 99 Easter eggs hidden about, can we follow the fairy rabbit dust to locate all the eggs.
Have fun !!
We all had such a fantastic time at Autumns Buttercup Lane birthday party, please see all the pictures loaded onto your facebook profiles.
Pass the parcel was just the start and we have no idea how many times we have sang Happy Birthday today, there was roll with the coloured giant soft ball, sing-along-abirthday, pin the tail, dance-a-thon, jump for joy, and lots and lots of great party games. ( ask the childrens about the cat playing guitar )
Autumn has gone out this evening for another birthday celebration, she will be a very tired lady indeed tomorrow.
Who is next for a birthday party at Buttercup Lane Childminders, come on Girls and Boys the first one to come to Karl and tell me which one has the next birthday will get a very special present. !!
We had a fantastic day out today at Temple Newsam Park, The Weather was beautiful for February and there were loads of people there enjoying the facilities.
Along with the long walk, we went Tree Root Climbing, Duck and Swan Spotting, We played Find the Penguin and Pig and this kept them entertained for hours until Karl let on just exactly where the penguin was. The swings and fire mans pole slide was every bodys favourite and we all had a very good time.
Since the beginning of June here at Buttercup Lane Childminders we have been getting excited over this years Olympic Games and then there has been Euro 2012. We have had early morning fun in the sun with the football in the garden practicing our footballing skills and dare we say that some of the skills shown were better than some of the England skills on show over the last few weeks. We have also been following the Olympic Torch Travels and especially today as it came into Morley. We have a number of fun and educational yet physical activities planned for whilst the olympics are on for all our children. Not forgetting Wimbledon, so we are dusting off the tennis rackets, its going to be one full packed summer and we intend to enjoy every minute of it.
We are thinking ahead to the school holdays and we are available through out. Get in touch asap to book your place. We can also cater for the over 8’s as well.