Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
During the month of September we always take time to Stop, Reflect & Adapt our setting. We refresh our Documentation, we analyse our working practices – to change and improve our setting and services we offer. We have just uploaded our recent training listings but we have also identified and planned our next training and improvements for the next 12 months ahead.
We have added just a couple of videos of us all having fun this Summer.
Come Rain or Shine, We’ll have a GREAT Time.
Please follow the link to our Activity Pages and checkout a few of our new Videos.
Leeds Bear Hunt 2023 all 83 bears were visited, photographed, recorded within 4 days, the children loved seeing all the wonderful creations that everyone had created. It was hard work but so very well worth it.
We are Still having fun this Summer, lots more places to visit and to make memories that will last forever.
Huge massive thanks so far to everyone that has spent some time with us and our Buttercups, Birstall Bambinos and Born Explorers to name just two.
So far we have met Lord Mayors, Lady Mayors, Local MP’s, Police Officers, Ambulance Crew, Medics, 999 Operators, Blood Dogs, Fire Men and Ladies plus a Fireman that has a starring role in BGG2 film, Dotty the Comfort Dog, Morris Dancers, Singers of Folk and Country Music, Guitar and Ukulele Players, Speed Camera Operators, we have also met one of the teams of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and lets not forget meeting THE STIG !!! .
We have flown in Light Aircraft Planes, have been on Trains & Cars, Buses, Trams & Tractors, Motorbikes and pushbikes. We have had foam parties, built giant constructions, played marbles, visited Concorde, been pond dipping, visited the countryside and woodland, had some wonderful Stories, raised- touched-found discovered wildlife, had birthdays and CAKE !!!!!
We are living our best lives whilst learning as much as we all can and here’s the best bit…… We are not even two weeks in. We still have lots of fun places to go and new things to see. Watch this space.

Well what a summer we had, full of the joys of exploring our wonderful county and further afield. With no restraints of TERM TIME allows us to spread our wings and discover what our beautiful country has to offer.
Those parents that had children attending us during the summer know exactly just how much fun we had, all the children returned each and every day excited and full of smiles from all the fun and excitement they enjoyed.
September 2021 – a new Term , New children, New routines and New relationships to build whilst embracing our ever expanding existing extended family, some children we won’t see as much but everyone knows that we miss them ( and parents ) dearly.
Keep smiling and remain positive xx
Well this happenned tonight, We are totally overwhelmed that we won an award for something that we created our our community. It makes the time and effort that we put in to the East Ardsley Fairy doors ,The Falls Enchanted Woodland Walk and everything else that we do for the community – all worth while.
Thank you to everyone that voted for us and to #WF3Kindness for creating and pushing the wonderful community spirit to the next level.
As one of the oldest longest owners of a house on the Meadowside Estate its wonderful that the residents also won an award for #neighbourhoodoftheyear.
Thank You xx
The results for the Annual Charity Champions fund raising campaign for Pulse1 Cash for Kids are in. We are very pleased to annouced that during 2020 we raised a massive £1988.39 We finished top of the leaderboard.
During 2020 we did lots of fund raising activities finishing off with our Santa Sleigh Covid Friendly Visits during December 2020.
Hopefully 2021 will be just as big and we strive to raise more money for the various charities that we are involved with.

Well what a year 2020 was, it started with so much promise and hope then in March it quickly went downhill. The whole country suffered as a direct result of COVID-19 and its a year that no one will forget. Without dwelling to much on this horrible year we can only thank everyone that helped and supported us and our wider Buttercup Family throughout the Year.
Christmas 2020. We needed something different, a little bit of happiness and excitement to end the year with smiles and joy. Boy did we do it, The whole of East Ardsley, Thorpe, Tingley and West Ardsley certainly got a big suprise. Santa Clause came to town.
We took a telephone call from Kayli Reid who asked if Karl would fancy been Santa ? Without hestitation We jumped at the opportunity. (Karl loves anything like this and has been Santa many many times) . But this time we wanted it special after a rubbish year . So we said That we are not doing just door to door “We want to build a sleigh !!”
Lia said where you going to get a sleigh in 3 week . His reply was I don’t know but the kids are having Santa on a Sleigh in East Ardsley !!! Lia went to her evening job 3 Wednesdays before Christmas and when she got back home that evening don’t think karl had not found a trailer and arranged to collect it the night after !!! Can anyone believe on theses photos this turned into our amazing Sleigh that gave so much pleasure to so many families just before Christmas . Making it more magical . So many people have been behind this but with Karl’s friends , Buttercup families which all will be listed on the Mission Christmas 2020 Page soon. . Between them they created our festive sleigh . We are so proud of everything that we acheived and we thank everyone for getting involved, specially all the Elves.
This event was in aid of Cash for Kids #MissionChristmas and we managed to raise a magnificent amount of £1040.54p
Santa and Mrs Clause
The #ChildFriendlyLeedsAwards were.. out of this world! We had an amazing time, Thank you for the people that nominated us .
They are lovely and we are so overwhelmed.
The spectacular awards evening at the City Varieties in the 7th year and its a huge event to celebrate the people maing a difference to the city of Leeds and who are promoting the ethos of a true Child Friendly City. We are proud to support #ChildFriendlyLeeds we feel humbled that our efforts in the community have been recognised and rewarded with our “Shortlisted” nomination in the category of “Adults Making a Difference for Children and Young People”
Although we did not win, getting the nominations makes the effort all worthwhile, We thank everyone for the nominations, the friends that have helped us along the way, the time and effort and support that had help make our work & little projects a success. #cashforkidsaire #ChildFriendlyLeeds #eastardsleyfairydoors #eastardsleyrocks #meadowsidelittlelibrary #buttercuplanechildminders
Thank you Karl and Lia xx
It is an honour and humbling to be nominated for the 2020 Child Friendly Leeds Awards 2020.
Its even more so special thinking that we have actually made the SHORTLIST.
The awards ceremony, which is now in its 7th year is taking place on February 6th, its an event that celebrates the hard work that many people are doing across the city of Leeds to make our City the best place for children and young people to grow up in.
The category that we have made the shortlist in is Adult making a difference for young people (21+), its a real sense of proudness and accolode to be nominated but to be grouped together with everyone nominated let alone making the short list is a very special feeling indeed.
You can see the Yorkshire Evening Post article here .
We are truely thankful to everyone that nominted us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We simply love the job we do, we are part of the community and our children our “The Future” everything we do within the community is for the benefit of the children and if some adults can have some fun along the way, we say Why Not !
We will keep you posted.
Thank you, much love Karl and Lia xx
Dont forget to checkout our fantastic Video Page – Wonderful memories exploring children and some of our SUPERB activities.
These pages we will continuously update, with our day trips, activities and recording special occasions. Last Updated 23/07/2018
We recently were contacted from Pacey who asked us for permission to use our pictures and feature a little artical of one of our activities. Remember the snow …. then remember our moto ” Come Rain or Shine …. We’ll have a Great Time ” A little snow did not stop us. So we painted it…. Why not, the children loved it, totally new experience and Pacey thought so too.
The artical appears in the “Childcare Professional Magazine – Spring 2018”
You may seem to remember that we appeared in the magazine a couple of years ago too so this is the 2nd time that we have appeared in it !!!
This magazine has a circulation of between 90,000 and 100,000 4 times a year and its target audiance is ALL CHILDCARE PROFESSIONALS who are members of PACEY.
To see who PACEY are click here – Pacey Stands for Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years and we have been members since our registration.
SUPER Proud we are – we love what we do and its absolutley AMAZING that such a highly established organisation such as Pacey recognises the work, time, effort, commitment, passion that we have and want to share it with all of their members.
We are totally overwhelmed. xx