Posts Tagged ‘Birthday Celebrations at Childminders’
Buttercup Lane Childminders wish Kai a very very 1st Happy Birthday.
Kai, you are one today
And learning so very much,
There is nothing in this house,
That you don’t want to touch!
Your fingerprints are evident,
In every single place,
Along with the mischievous smile,
On your little face!
You have made everyone lives complete,
In each and every way
You always brighten up
Every single day.
You are a special little boy,
We’ll watch your life unfold,
Have a Happy Birthday.
Now you are one year old!
Happy Birthday Kai from all your friends at Buttercup Lane Childminders. !
Buttercup Lane Childminders wish Kai a very very 1st Happy Birthday.
Kai, you are one today
And learning so very much,
There is nothing in this house,
That you don’t want to touch!
Your fingerprints are evident,
In every single place,
Along with the mischievous smile,
On your little face!
You have made everyone lives complete,
In each and every way
You always brighten up
Every single day.
You are a special little boy,
We’ll watch your life unfold,
Have a Happy Birthday.
Now you are one year old!
Happy Birthday Kai from all your friends at Buttercup Lane Childminders. !
Luca today is your first Birthday
A very special one
A nice kind of day
For treats and lots of fun.
From the time you get up
Till you go Night night
Hope your first Birthday
Is a special delight.
From all your friends at Buttercup Lane Childminders in East Ardsley
Baby Isla is starting today and we can’t wait – we have been planning another fun packed day. We are so excited and we know Isla is looking forward to coming to see us again so we are sure to have a great time.
Another ray of sunshine at Buttercup Lane Childminders .
So today is your Birthday and Buttercup Lane Childminders bring you this little poem.
Make a wish and give it wings
Dreams of bright and beautiful things
Dance through all the fun filled hours
Don’t forget to smell the flowers
Share some love and birthday cake
All life joys are yours to take
And when evening comes to view
Thanks your lucky stars you’re you
Happy Birthday from everyone at your Childminders in East Ardsley – Buttercup Lane Childminders.