Posts Tagged ‘fun’
We had a suprise for the last hour or so today for the children .. Buttercup Lane’s very own Mr Tumble ‘East Ardsley Style’ of course.
Not quite sure who had the most fun the children, the parents or Mr Tumble himself but it rounded off the day nicely.
The fun has not stopped there and since loading the photograph onto the Pacey Website we have been inundated with appearance requests.
24th to the 30th June is Child Safety week, Here at Buttercup Lane we have the ideas booklet and we will be making this week a complete fun filled weeek we have lots of activities planned already and we will be having a totally amazing time.
We will be having a SUPER HERO DAY were we all need to be dressed as your favourite action heros – so getting planning now.
For more details check out Child Safety Week
Santa Claus is coming to Buttercup Lane ( See Lia for more details ) But we need all the children, friends and family to write to Father Christmas and post it in the Letter Box in the playroom at Buttercup Lane Childminders, Elf Eleven is taking a couple of hours off helping Santa and he is coming to see Lia and Karl on Sat 15th of December.
We have a very special Christmas even planned but we need everyones help to make it a success. Please make sure you get your letters for Father Christmas in by Friday the 14th of December at the latest.
We will be explaining everything to all but if you cant wait until then , give us a call and we will explain all 01924 691685 / 07716022517 / 07770877899
Only 37 more sleeps until the BIG DAY.
Santa is coming to Buttercup Lane Childminders !!!
Just been Trick or Treating with the Kids for Halloween – its great fun , Seeing all the great outfits that all the kids are wearing is fantastic, East Ardsley people are great and everyones loves the friendly community spirit and the warm greetings from all the families.
Thank you all.